MT-NewsWatcher is a Usenet client for the Mac. Based on John Norstad's NewsWatcher application, it adds a few enhancements to make newsreading faster and more enjoyable. These features include message filtering, spellchecking, speech recognition, and multithreading, which allows you to perform several different commands simultaneously.
What’s new in version 3.5.3b2
Version 3.5.3b2 (3.5.3b3):
Note: Although Finder indicates that this is version 3.5.3b2, the developer states that this is version 3.5.3b3.
Clear the news server authentication password field when switching between news servers
No longer show error message when dragging and dropping in subject windows
Made uudecoding more robust to crud inserted into articles by news feed providers
Moved the MT-NewsWatcher.rsrc file to the English.lproj directory in the package to make localization easier
Improved typing performance by not flushing the graphics port on every caret blink
Greyscale images now display correctly
Fixed issues:
A crash closing subject windows after rebuilding the full groups list
A bug that could cause security failure dialogs to not be displayed on connection
A bug introduced in 3.5.3b1 that caused sending mail to never complete
The ability to drag an inline image to the Finder without selecting it (option key saves a file, rather than a clipping)
Authentication issues when not saving the password in Keychain
The display of the help images on Intel machines
A hang on 10.5 when extracting binaries on showing a "Choose folder" dialog (and some other related hangs)
A hang on 10.5 after posting a message (deadlock when destroying the spell checker object)
Extract Binaries would sometimes stall after choosing a destination folder
Is there a way to simulate OPEN TRANSPORT and make it available to Maverick users? My be by coding something in Terminal could be a possibility? Tell me what you guys think. Maybe someone can come up with an idea,