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Moon Secrets for Mac

Children's storybook for iPad.

In English

Moon Secrets overview

Moon Secrets is a fascinating application for kids that initiate a magic world of books. Through this magnificent interactive high quality story, that includes touchable animations, and a sweet mystical narration, English and Spanish text and funny surprises. Children can enjoy, play, learn and exercise their imagination.

What is the moon to a child? In an original story with beautiful, dreamy illustrations you can discover the moon through the eyes of a young child. This mystical and sweet narration created for children and offering audio and visual texts inspires pleasant thoughts and dreams for anyone.

Moon Secrets is an indispensable application for children´s creative and imaginative capabilities and development. In a simple and fascinating way Luna shows children to the multimedia world while they enjoy and practice new skills. They have all this at their fingertips while they listen to this magical story.

Moon Secrets includes interactive animations within the story complementing the learning development of the child and permitting them to play and interact with different elements as the story is told.

Moon Secrets is available in English and Spanish.

Interactive book is recommended for children ages 4 and up.

What’s new in version 1.0.2

Version 1.0.2:
  • AUTOPLAY. The option of viewing the story without having to touch the screen in order to get to the next scene.
  • PAGE SELECTION. Now you can go directly to your favorite scene of the story!!
View older Moon Secrets versions

Moon Secrets for Mac

In English
Version 1.0.2
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