Moneyspire is remarkably great personal finance software! Enjoy these benefits:
Keep track of your bank accounts, credit cards, etc. and see all your account balances in one place.
Categorize your spending and income. Balance your checkbook and keep your accounts in order.
Set bill reminders and see all your upcoming payments so you never forget to pay a bill again.
Generate detailed reports and charts and see exactly where your money is going. Use reports to make tax time easier and less stressful.
Set a budget for all your expenses and keep track of your progress.
Forecast your future account balances to help prevent insufficient funds.
Reconcile with your banking statements to make sure every transaction is accounted for, and to prevent account fraud and bank errors.
Manage your finances when you're on the go with our free mobile companion app.
Optionally import transactions from your financial institution's website, and Direct Connect and automatically download transactions and pay bills. If your bank does not support Direct Connect, we have an additional service called Moneyspire Connect.
Supports customizable categories and tags for powerful and robust reporting capabilities.
Supports OFX, QFX, QIF, QMTF and CSV file format imports, and exporting to spreadsheet and QIF file format. Easily migrate from another personal finance app via our import feature.
Supports investment accounts, including downloading of stock quotes and tracking investment actions like buy, sell, and other investment-related tasks.
Supports check printing on blank check stock, including a calibration tool allowing for easy calibration for different check types.
Supports all world currencies, including transfers between accounts with different currencies. Also supports downloading of current exchange rates.
You can optionally store your data in the cloud and work on your finances anywhere.
Your financial data is stored encrypted on your hard drive and is never transmitted.
For personal use, you can use the software on all of the computers in your household with just one license!
Other companies force you into a subscription or force you to upgrade your software, or else they disable features. Moneyspire will never force you into a subscription or upgrade, and does not disable your features!
Other companies force you to put your data online. With Moneyspire you have the choice to keep your data local on your computer if you want to.
Customer service is no where to be found when problems arise and they will arise.
Started out as a good alternative to Quicken but when there is an issue no one to talk to. Don't waste your money.
The developers continue to release without internal testing to ensure basic functionality. Also, they fail to respond to inquiries, requests for assistance and they continue to issue expensive annual updates. Do not recommend.
I have sent in questions about the software several times with no response. Software is only as good as the people behind it. Time to try one of the others.
In comparison to Moneydance, and even to Banktivity, the Moneyspire budget module (2019) is lacking in both annualized budgeting and allowing the establishment of monthly individual category budgets. Moneydance is far superior.