Mimestream for Mac
A native macOS email client for Gmail.
Mimestream combines your favorite Gmail features with the power of a native macOS app so you can move through your email effortlessly.
As a native app written in Swift, Mimestream leverages the full power of macOS to deliver a lightning-fast and instantly familiar experience. Instead of using the IMAP protocol, Mimestream utilizes the Gmail API to enable an enhanced set of features that let you work with ease.
Your data and credentials are stored only on your device, and the app only makes direct connections to Gmail. There are no intermediary servers, and Mimestream does not collect or sell your email.
Fantastic. There are a lot people complaining about a $5 monthly fee. Great software costs money to build and operate. Do you want the founder and his team to work for you for free? If you want nice things, pay people to make them. For an app you will use literally dozens, maybe a hundred times a day, $5 a month is extremely reasonable to get the optimal experience.
All of the features of Apple Mail + more, as it uses as many of the features of Gmail as it can utilize via the API. They do have a public feature request board, although I’m not sure how closely it reflects their current priorities. Would be good to understand this piece more. I’d love to see a monthly newsletter on updates and priorities ahead.
Never had any performance issues. Works even better than Apple Mail honestly, which would bug out when viewing larger chains and images. Part of the reason I left Apple Mail was for the performance of Mimestream.
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