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Massage Maps for Mac

Maps of the reflex zones for massage.

In English

Massage Maps overview

Massage Maps is based on the theory of reflexology. Reflexology provides us an effective alternative method of the massage. This method uses pressure techniques on specific areas of the body. These areas reflect real organs. The massage of such reflex zones has a positive impact on your body and health. In some cases it can heal various medical conditions.

  • Maps of the reflexology zones on different body parts.
  • Convenient navigation over maps.
  • Various views of the body part.
  • Lists of the organs and symptoms for each map.
  • Search in the lists and transition to the reflexive zone on the map.

What’s new in version 3.3

  • Support for macOS Ventura
  • Bug fixes
View older Massage Maps versions

Massage Maps for Mac

In English
Version 3.3
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