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MarkupTable for Mac

Create and edit markup-formatted tables.

In English

MarkupTable overview

MarkupTable will help you quickly and efficiently create Markup-formatted tables in no time. MarkupTable allows you to import already formatted tables from files formatted with the languages MarkdownExtra, MultiMarkdown, HTML, Textile, Wikitext, BBCode, and Smark, add more or remove rows and columns, move entire columns and rows, and of course to edit individual cells.

Export your edited tables to your preferred markup language as a simple text-file or as a Textbundle- or Textpack-file. MarkupTable also acts as a CSV-editor and can therefore read in and save CSV files. When reading CSV files, MarkupTable can automatically detect the field-separator used in the CSV file.

More features
  • Extensive editing capabilities
    • Edit individual cells
    • Add rows and columns anywhere
    • Move rows and columns
    • Deleting individual rows and columns
    • Duplicating individual rows and columns
    • Automatically fill rows and columns with values
  • CSV as a base
  • Various preview options
  • Import existing markup tables
  • User-Interface Adjustments

What’s new in version 1.5.2

Version 1.5.2:
  • New option in the preferences for MultiMarkdown and MarkdownExtra to set the format of the table header
  • Better behavior of MarkupTable when opening files whose text encoding information is incorrect or not set at all, these files can now be opened
Bug fixes:
  • Fixes an error which, when attempting to open an unreadable file, lead to the issue that MarkupTable couldn't open files any more until and required a restart of the application
View older MarkupTable versions

MarkupTable for Mac

In English
Version 1.5.2
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