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Mailit 7 for Mac

Integrates full email functionality into FileMaker.

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Mailit 7 overview

MailIt integrates full email capability into your FileMaker 10-13 solutions with ease! No external email application is needed!

Mailit 6 adds threaded receiving to the existing set of features for threaded sending allowing full email processing in the background. Leave your FileMaker solutions accessible and responsive while processing email. Mailit 6 is 64-bit compatible.

The Mailit 6 package comes with a great set of ready to use FileMaker files for mass-mailing and personal mail management. These are open source files that you can adapt quickly to your needs.

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  • Release notes were unavailable when this listing was updated.
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Mailit 7 for Mac

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(1 Reviews of Mailit 7)

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Nov 28 2011
Nov 28 2011
Version: 5.0.1b45
The icon displayed here is completely wrong. This is the icon used by Microsoft for Add-ins specific to Powerpoint. Perhaps you meant to use the FileMaker plugin icon, which can be found at: http://www.fileinfo.com/images/icons/files/128/fmplugin-5492.png Or, Dacon seems to have a logo at: http://www.dacons.net/images/banners/newmailit5.jpg
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