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Lumino City for Mac

Puzzle Adventure game created with hand-made pieces.

In English
Based on 1 user rate

Lumino City overview

Lumino City is a Puzzle Adventure game, and the sequel to the award-winning Lume. Begin by exploring the city, and using your ingenuity piece together all sorts of puzzling mechanisms to help the people who live in its unique world. Discover gardens in the sky, towers marooned high on an immense waterwheel, and houses dug precariously into cliffs.

To create the environment, a ten-foot high model city was built by hand and by laser cutter, with each motor and light wired up individually, bringing the scenes to luminous life.

  • You play Lumi, who is catapulted into an epic journey and a hunt for Grandad after his dramatic kidnap. Explore the unusual dwellings beyond the city gates and finding out more about her intriguing Grandad's life along the way. Is he all he seems?
  • A truly unique game environment. Everything you see on screen was made using paper, cardboard and glue. State of Play built a ten-foot high model city, using laser cutting, miniature lights and motors to bring it to life.
  • State of Play collaborated with award-winning architects, fine-artists, prop-makers and animators, and each discipline brought something unique to the design and execution of the finished game.

What’s new in version 1.1.5

Version 1.1.5:
  • Now 64-Bit Compatible and works With MacOS Catalina
View older Lumino City versions

Lumino City for Mac

In English
Version 1.1.5
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(1 Reviews of Lumino City)

  • Comments

  • User Ratings

Jan 30 2015
Jan 30 2015
Version: 1.0.22
I'm in the middle of playing it. It's visually very well done; creative and original. The puzzles are sometimes easy and sometimes frustrating. The story isn't that interesting but you can pretty much ignore the plot.
Jan 30 2015
Jan 30 2015
Version: null