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Logtalk for Mac

Object-oriented logic programming language.

In English
Based on 1 user rate

Logtalk overview

Logtalk is an Open-Source, object-oriented logic programming language that extends and leverages the Prolog language with a feature set suitable for programming in-the-large.

Logtalk supports modern code encapsulation and code reuse mechanisms without compromising the declarative programming features of Prolog. Logtalk is implemented in highly portable code and can use most modern and standards compliant Prolog implementations as a back-end compiler. The Logtalk distribution features portable libraries and portable assertions, documenting, diagraming, and unit testing tools, plus extensive code editing and publishing support. It also includes extensive documentation and a large number of programming examples.

What’s new in version 3.82

  • Changed: Linter warnings on suspicious cuts in disjunctions are now controlled by the disjunctions flag.
  • Changed: Linter warnings on calling Logtalk/Prolog top-level shortcuts or Logtalk built-in predicates as directives are now controlled by the portability flag.
  • Changed: The deprecated assert/1 predicate is no longer declared as a built-in method.
  • Added: Support for runtime constructed messages for the built-in methods. Thanks to Alex Kouznetsov for the bug report.
  • Fixed: The handling of include/1 directives by the create_protocol/3, create_object/4, and create_category/4 built-in predicates to throw an error instead of failing when the included file is not valid. Thanks to Alex Kouznetsov for the bug report.
  • Fixed: The message term of the linter warning for a missing predicate scope directive when an info/2 or mode/2 directive exists would misreport the existing directive.
  • Fixed: Duplicated linter warnings when checking if (\=)/2 goals are always true or false.

Full list of changes available here

View older Logtalk versions

Logtalk for Mac

In English
Version 3.82
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(1 Reviews of Logtalk)

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  • User Ratings

Jan 13 2015
Jan 13 2015
Version: 3.00.0
Why doesn't MacUpdate Desktop inform me of updates to LogTalk? MUD ought to be able to recognize the presence of any software the website lists.
Aug 4 2015
Aug 4 2015
Version: null