Listening Music Teacher for Mac
Sound analysis for music students.
The program has 2 animated introductory lessons, which explain the theory behind the systems. The included chord explorer allows you to move up to 4 notes around on the staff and tells you the note name for single notes, the interval name for two notes and the triad or seventh chord name for three resp. four notes.
The 26 exercises help you to improve your listening skills. You have to listen and tell how many notes were played, which side (left or right) played a sinus sound or played the louder note, etc. You also have to identify intervals, triad qualities, triad inversions, seventh chord qualities and inversions.
To make it challenging, you can choose options that make the task easier for you to solve the question. However, you will then earn fewer points. For intervals and triads, the program keeps a statistic, which helps you to find weaknesses. For example, it shows the interval name with which you most often confused the interval in question. Finally, you can do ear training exercises up to a precision of 12 cents.
Note: Now requires OS X 10.7 or later
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