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HomeEducationReference Managementlibraryofbabel.info resource locator

libraryofbabel.info resource locator for Mac

Locate text from any website in the library of babel.

In English
Based on 1 user rate

libraryofbabel.info resource locator overview

libraryofbabel.info is a universal library inspired by Jorge Luis Borges' "The Library of Babel." The website contains every possible page of 3200 characters, including the 26 letters of the Roman alphabet, space, comma, and period. Thus, it contains every page of text that ever has been and ever could be written in many of the world's languages, and potential translations or transliterations of all the others.

The External Resource Locator can find the text of any website you visit within the library of babel. It provides a more immediate experience of the library's omniferousness. After installation, an image of three nested hexagons will appear to the left of your browser's navigation bar. It can be used in the following ways:

  1. Navigate to any web page and click the button to find all of the text from that page in the library. Note that this will include all the anchor text from links and navigation elements as well as any more relevant text - the library is indifferent to sense.
  2. Highlight any text from the page then click the button to locate only the highlighted text within the library.
  3. Right-click and choose "Locate text in the Library of Babel"

All is foretold...

What’s new in version 1.1

Version 1.1:
  • Now uses https
View older libraryofbabel.info resource locator versions

libraryofbabel.info resource locator for Mac

In English
Version 1.1
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(1 Reviews of libraryofbabel.info resource locator)

  • Comments

  • User Ratings

Jun 5 2015
Jun 5 2015
Version: 1.1
Developer fails to mention that this is a Safari Extension and therefore requires a version of Safari compatible with OS 10.7 or later.
Jun 2 2015
Jun 2 2015
Version: null