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HomeGamesSportsIsland Racer

Island Racer for Mac

A casual racing game with unique landscapes.

In English

Island Racer overview

Island Racer is a casual racing game full of fun that can be played solo, against the computer, or online against another player. It features the unique ability to generate new original landscapes and tracks, offering infinite track combination's for a new experience with every race.

Select from different cars and colors to race in head-to-head competition. Choose an on- or off-road track and enjoy!

Crashing into the opponent is allowed to gain an edge. You will find Island Racer easy to play and full of exhilarating moments.

What’s new in version 4.3.0

Version 4.3.0:
  • Minor fixes
View older Island Racer versions

Island Racer for Mac

In English
Version 4.3.0
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(3 Reviews of Island Racer)

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  • User Ratings

Oct 15 2009
Oct 15 2009
Version: 1.0.1
Why do they keeping slapping their logo on many places in their games? It's not their logo that great anyway; and even EA don't put that much corporate logos in their games...
Oct 6 2009
Oct 6 2009
Version: 1.0
Why update a game that's solely made for PPC? There are no mentions of bug fixes or anything else.
Oct 5 2009
Oct 5 2009
Version: 1.0
its a slow game with stuttering rate in graphics. On my Snow Leopard its not to play!!
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