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HomeFinanceBankingiOutBank Pro - Mobile Banking

iOutBank Pro - Mobile Banking for Mac

German banking app.

In English

iOutBank Pro - Mobile Banking overview

"My bank, my mobile, my OutBank!"

OutBank: Since 2005 the best mobile banking application for Symbian OS. Finally available for your iPhone!

After you have installed the application on your iPhone or iPod Touch, iOutBank allows you to manage your accounts from different (german) banks very easily and securely via your mobile phone (Mobilebanking). Based on the accredited German safety standards HBCI and FinTS your encoded account data will be transmitted between your bank or your thrift institution and your iPhone. All information is transmitted using a secure Internet encryption (SSL/HTTPS). In addition, there is no third-party component (e.g. a proxy) in between, meaning your financial information is safe. That also means that the transmitting volume and the duration will be reduced to a minimum.

Thus, onlinebanking with iOutBank is to a considerable degree less expensive and in addition significantly more convenient than other known mobile banking solutions.

The amount of data that incurred will be minimal

iOutBank Pro - Mobile Banking for Mac

In English
Version 2.9.6
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