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InPreflight Studio for Mac

Comprehensive quality-control and reporting solution for Adobe InDesign.

In English
Based on 1 user rate

InPreflight Studio overview

InPreflight is a comprehensive quality-control and reporting solution for Adobe InDesign. It quickly gathers extensive information about document fonts, colors, and links, and lets you instantly locate potential problems according to user-defined settings. InPreflight saves you hours of checking your documents manually and dealing with consequences of costly mistakes.

InPreflight also lets users print graphic preflight reports and save them as fully searchable, interactive PDF files, providing an easy way to analyze, archive, and send reports to service providers.

The full version, InPreflight Pro, includes advanced packaging solutions with the ability to package multiple documents automatically.

What’s new in version 2.10.19

Version 2.10.19:
  • Fixed an issue in which InPreflight always launched InDesign 2020 even if an earlier version was already open
View older InPreflight Studio versions

InPreflight Studio for Mac

In English
Version 2.10.19
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Oct 1 2013
Oct 1 2013
Version: null