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HomeGamesActionInfinite Tanks

Infinite Tanks for Mac

Build and conquer with you own tank.

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Infinite Tanks overview

Infinite Tanks features exactly what the name suggests - huge content - never ending lines of modern combat vehicles, huge environments with realistic weather, online multiplayer and countless single player missions and drills. Infinite Tanks also upgrades the tank sim genre by giving players the ability to design and upgrade their own impenetrable vehicles, allowing them to truly step into the driver's seat. The game features an innovative card-driven building system, which allows players to mix, match and trade individual tank parts, including engines, bodies, tracks, turrets, mines, mortars, upgrades and obviously guns, to create an incredibly diverse array of powerful and versatile vehicles. Infinite Tanks is pushing the boundaries with modern graphics and exceptionally deep gameplay. Features a unique card-driven construction system, driven by single-player progression and multiplayer collaboration. Hundreds of million different vehicle combinations, plus aesthetic customization such as paint and accessories. tanks, destroyers, hovercrafts and rocket launchers, each in 3 different classes. 360 drills with quick, intense action. Sweeping, epic single-player campaign. Different environments, from sun scorched deserts to dense urban areas, with expansive space for gameplay and exploration. Custom games, including King of the Hill, Capture the Bases, and Team Deathmatch both online and offline. 60 levels of progression, most varied classes of tanks and an impressive arsenal of weapons and projectiles. Incredible realism: changing weather, sun crossing the sky, realistic physics and damage system. Cross platform multiplayer between iOS, macOS and tvOS.

What’s new in version 1.0.9

Version 1.0.9:
  • Restored controller input functionality.
View older Infinite Tanks versions

Infinite Tanks for Mac

In English
Version 1.0.9
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