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HomeEducationMathInfinite Geometry

Infinite Geometry for Mac

Test and Worksheet Generator for Geometry.

In English

Infinite Geometry overview

Infinite Geometry covers all typical Geometry material, beginning with a review of important Algebra 1 concepts and going through transformations. There are over 85 topics in all, from multi-step equations to constructions. Suitable for any class with geometry content. Designed for all levels of learners, from remedial to advanced.

What’s new in version 2.70.0

  • New: Add preferences for Metric/Imperial units
  • New: Add preference to “Prefer x“ as the variable letter
  • New topic: Properties of Rhombuses
  • New topic: Properties of Kites
  • New topic: Rhombuses and Kites with Right Triangles
  • Improved: UI, security, and stability with updated libraries
  • Improved: Angle Relationships - Added option for same-side interior angles
  • Improved: Area of Triangles and Quadrilaterals - Added options for kites and rhombuses
View older Infinite Geometry versions

Infinite Geometry for Mac

In English
Version 2.70.0
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