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ICEfaces for Mac

Framework for developing Ajax apps for Web and iPhone.

In English
Based on 1 user rate

ICEfaces overview

ICEfaces is a framework for developing Ajax applications for the Web and iPhone in Java with JavaServer Faces.

In contrast to typical Web applications, ICEfaces applications can update any part of the page at any time. Full page refresh is eliminated, and multi-user interaction is supported through Ajax Push.

ICEfaces is completely open source and is provided under the Mozilla Public License.

What’s new in version 4.3.0

Version 4.3.0:

Note: Users are required to create a profile through the developer's site in order to download the app.

  • New ace:borderLayout Component
  • Container with up to five different regions (north, south, east, west and center) which can be user collapsible, expandable, closable, and resizable.
  • New ace:dashboard Component
  • Container that can contain panes with arbitrary content. Each pane is resizable, draggable/moveable and closable.
  • The panes are arranged in a grid with fixed base dimensions (in pixels), and they can span multiple rows and/or columns in the grid, as specified or as modified by the user. When a pane is moved or resized the grid automatically rearranges itself to accomodate the new pane position or size.
  • New ace:triStateCheckbox Component
  • Support "checked", "unchecked", and "indeterminate" states.
  • Support for Mojarra JSF 2.3 (JSF 2.3.5 included).
  • Requires JDK 1.8 runtime.
  • Over 50 other improvements and bug fixes.
View older ICEfaces versions

ICEfaces for Mac

In English
Version 4.3.0
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(2 Reviews of ICEfaces)

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  • User Ratings

Feb 9 2012
Feb 9 2012
Version: 3.0
ICEfaces website, hence ICEfaces, not compatible with Safari 5.1.3 on Mac OSX Lion.
Oct 8 2009
Oct 8 2009
Version: 1.8.2
Great job done!!! I love it and it's supporting PPC! That's great because my PoweMac G5 is my main developer hardware. Our Intel iMac is mostly used for graphic design by my partner. I also develop for iPhone and I use an old version of the iPhone Dev Software on my G5. When most of the work and coding is done I finish it on the Intel iMac (when it's free). Works great on both machines! 5 stars from me! It's a great Open Source project, so far nothing but good things to say about it! A very big 'thank you' for all the developers for their effort & great work! Greets ;-)
Oct 8 2009
Oct 8 2009
Version: null