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Hot Mouse Flower for Mac

Customizable virtual keyboard utility.

In English

Hot Mouse Flower overview

Hot Mouse Flower is a customizable virtual keyboard utility.

The virtual key panel, the Flower, is triggered with a custom shortcut key and will appear in front of all application windows. The virtual key panel is arranged in a flower pattern centered on the current cursor position, for quick access to any of the keys. Clicking on a key will send that key to the fore-most application, simultaneously holding down one or more modifier keys will combine them with the clicked Flower key, this allows you to trigger multiple Hot Key combinations with the same single Hot Mouse Flower key.

The Flower will stay open so you can repeat click a key or several keys after each other. Moving the cursor over the Exit zone will instantly hide the Flower, without the need of a mouse click. Tapping the Escape key will also close the Flower.

  • Perfect for mouse lovers, one hand on the keyboard and one on your mouse.
  • Keeps your focus on the screen.
  • Improves productivity.

The Hot Mouse Flower app is free, and if you like using it, we’d love to receive small donations to help fund further development.

What’s new in version 1.2

Version 1.2:
  • Bug fix where alpha numeric keys would not trigger on some systems.
View older Hot Mouse Flower versions

Hot Mouse Flower for Mac

In English
Version 1.2
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(1 Reviews of Hot Mouse Flower)

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Aug 30 2012
Aug 30 2012
Version: 1.0
Do I understand this right - if I wanted to use this application i. e. for F12 I first have to use a keyboard shortcut to have this come up and then I have to click onto F12? Wouldn't it be easier and more productive just to press the F12 key from the beginning? I do not understand what this application is supposed to be good for.
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