Hermes is a standalone Pandora client that is open-source and doesn't require Adobe Air or Flash. Plays Pandora or Pandora One without opening a browser.
What’s new in version 1.3.1
Version 1.3.1:
Allow display of play/pause status in the Dock to be disabled
Add “Skip” button to macOS song notifications
Better distinguish the play/pause icon from the album art in the Dock
Use native Touch Bar controls (when Hermes is not the active application) in macOS 10.12.2 and later
Provide notification of stream stopping when Hermes is quit
Fixed or Improved
Clarify “thumbs up” and “rating” in scripting
Fix “current song” reference in scripting
Work around a regression in macOS 10.12 which caused issues when showing drawers
Fix checking then unchecking “Use proxy for audio” leaving proxy enabled
Don’t crash, instead display a message when proxy information is invalid
Work around Pandora API returning errors in user.canSubscribe
Excellent! But it's ABANDONWARE: "THIS PROJECT IS UNMAINTAINED. This means that bugs will not be fixed and features will not be added unless someone else does so. Unfortunately, the former maintainers no longer have the time and/or resources to work on Hermes further." *** Note: It Still Works GREAT on macOS 11 Big Sur on M1 Macs using Rosetta 2. No inflicted tune stalling BS. Yay.
Interface is straightforward. I like how it sits in the menu bar near my Google player. Audio quality is first rate. I'm running an older version under Snow Leopard and it works great!