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Helio overview

Helio is one music sequencer for all major platforms, desktop and mobile.

  • Distraction-free - Helio is an attempt to rethink a music sequencer to create a tool that feels right. It provides a lightweight UI to help you get into the zone and focus on your ideas.
  • Clear over clever - Visualize music in a way that doesn't seem so smoke and mirrors. The app may serve as a learning tool you need to grow as a composer.
  • Cross-platform tech - Available for all major platforms, desktop and mobile. Hosts VST and AudioUnit, runs on CoreAudio, ASIO, DirectSound, ALSA, JACK and OpenSLES. Exports to MIDI, WAV and FLAC.

Note: While the software is classified as free, it is actually donationware. Please consider making a donation to help support development.

What’s new in version 3.10

  • Added built-in metronome, toggled by Control + M hotkey, each time signature now has its own editable metronome scheme
  • Added an option to select the MIDI output device
  • Added an option to scale the UI x1.5 or x2
  • Made the update checks optional
  • Updated the app icon
  • Fixed renaming or recoloring multiple tracks in the pattern roll
  • Minor fixes: double click on a tempo track opens "set one tempo" dialog, fixed some grid arrangement glitches and inaccurate time signature alignment, fixed zooming out in large projects, fixed inactive notes blocking double-clicks on the roll
View older Helio versions

Helio for Mac

In English
Version 3.10
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