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Hearts! overview

Hearts! is a beautiful 3D computer game version of the popular card game for 3 or 4 players.

  • Intelligent computer opponents
  • Full network play (*)
  • "American", "Omnibus Hearts", and "Black Maria" variants included
  • 3D cameras and animation effects
  • Fully customizable playing areas
  • Fully customizable card decks and backs
  • The ability to create and print out your own card decks

* Note: Network play is currently possible against other Mac players and also Windows players online or locally over a local network connection. Upcoming releases of the the game for iPhones and iPads will enable network play with players on those devices also. If you have other computers in your house (or an iPhone or iPad when the new versions come to those devices), you can very easily setup a local network game of Hearts in your own home.

What’s new in version 2.83.1

Version 2.83.1:
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the computers players from playing
View older Hearts! versions

Hearts! for Mac

In English
Version 2.83.1
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