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Goxel overview

Goxel is a voxel editor for desktop and mobile, created by Guillaume Chereau. The code is open source under a dual licence GPL-3.0 or commercial and available on github.

What’s new in version 0.12.0

Note: Although Finder indicates that this is version 0.11.0, the developer states that this is version 0.12.0.

  • Added basic support for Minetest file format import.
  • Added a new tool to select from a 2d rectangle.
  • Fixed issues with high density screens.
  • Added some (very basic) support for scripting.

The biggest new feature is probably the scripting support. For the moment it is very limited, see the example in data/scripts/test.js. If you would like to make your own scripts but some features are missing (and they will), please open an issue about it.

View older Goxel versions

Goxel for Mac

In English
Version 0.12.0
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