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HomeGamesSportsGolf League Organizer

Golf League Organizer for Mac

Organizing a group of golfers.

In English
Based on 1 user rate

Golf League Organizer overview

Whether a Saturday morning foursome or a 100-golfer league, if you are responsible for organizing a group of golfers, then you need Golf League Organizer. Just enter golfer and course info one time, then use it from season to season to manage your league

Golf League Organizer Features
  • Store Golfer and Course Info
  • Create groups automatically or manually
  • Calculate Handicaps from scores entered by event
  • Show Stats by Event, Individual, or Course
  • Keep a complete roster of contact information
  • Golf League Organizer makes all aspects of league organization much easier

Download a copy for Mac and try it free for 15 days. All data will be maintained when you decide to purchase. No ads, no subscription, nothing else to buy to receive the full benefits of organizing your league with this easy-to-use program.

What’s new in version 2.0.0

Version 2.0.0:
  • Initial release
View older Golf League Organizer versions

Golf League Organizer for Mac

In English
Version 2.0.0
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(1 Reviews of Golf League Organizer)

  • Comments

  • User Ratings

Apr 20 2019
Apr 20 2019
Version: 2.0.0
This program is very difficult to navigate. There are very few directions or references of how to do things. Once the event scores are entered and finalized, you are unable to go back to change anything. One message says to start a new season, but there is no command in the menu that parallels that instruction, in other words, it does not tell you how to do that. Very sketchy. I bought this to do the handicapping for my golf league and I find it very rigid and hard to use.
Apr 20 2019
Apr 20 2019
Version: null