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HomeEducationLearningGlobe Geography 3D

Globe Geography 3D for Mac

Interactive, annotated globe with over 100 original images.

In English
Based on 1 user rate

Globe Geography 3D overview

Globe Geography 3D is an interactive, annotated globe with over 100 original images that gives the user both a conceptual overview and the descriptive histology of its various topics, which are organized into different sections. Interactive visualizations on a physical sphere can be turned and viewed from all angles. A great aid to teachers for visualizing earth and space with their students.

The atlas is navigated by familiar trackpad gestures, pinching to zoom in and out on the maps, rotating your fingers on the screen will rotate the globe on a virtual 360 degree axis, and swiping your fingers on the device will move your view around the globe. Many of the locations on the maps have clickable buildings, monuments, or natural wonders that are clickable, and bring up information windows about the item you clicked.

  • Relief model of the Earth
  • Randomized order of viewing images-especially helpful for taking quizzes and reviewing
  • Handy navigational menu bar-linear and nonlinear access to any screen while also showing user’s current position in the large volume of content
  • More than 500 geographic objects
  • More than 100 wonders of the world
  • Sky map add-on
  • Full description of any object or point on the surface
  • 100x zoom
  • Fast access to information
  • Friendly multilanguage interface
  • No Internet connection required

What’s new in version 2.8.10

  • Fixed minor bugs that might cause some inconveniences to users.
View older Globe Geography 3D versions

Globe Geography 3D for Mac

In English
Version 2.8.10
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(2 Reviews of Globe Geography 3D)

  • Comments

  • User Ratings

Jun 7 2021
Jun 7 2021
Version: 2.6.0
How to display data on an interactive 3D globe https://1globe.link [web app]?
Feb 28 2020
Feb 28 2020
Version: 2.3.2
Hard to use and horrible user interface. I just can't imagine using this, and the ads are so hideous. Nothing subtle about this app at all.
Feb 28 2020
Feb 28 2020
Version: null