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GetOrgChart for Mac

Creating flow charts using HTML 5, CSS, and JavaScript.

In English

GetOrgChart overview

GetOrgChart lets developers create complex tree structures and then displays them as a beautiful flow chart using HTML 5, CSS, and JavaScript. All the charts are fully customizable, and when used with a server-side component also allow developers to create and edit the charts using a specially crafted interface.
Various skins and color palettes are included with GetOrgChart by default, but the developers can also create their very themes as well. In case GetOrgChart diagrams get too big, a built-in search field allows users to search for items, or the user can also use the table mode to view the raw data without the visual hierarchy. GetOrgChart is offered for free for non-commercial projects, while a license needs to be purchased for larger, commercial applications.

What’s new in version 2.5.3

Version 2.5.3:
  • Fixed export to image 'It appears we don't support this file format'
View older GetOrgChart versions

GetOrgChart for Mac

In English
Version 2.5.3
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