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Fugu for Mac

SFTP graphical frontend.

In English
Based on 1 user rate

Fugu overview

Fugu is a graphical frontend for the text-based Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) client that ships with Mac OS X. SFTP is similar to FTP, but the entire session is encrypted, meaning nothing, including passwords, is sent in the clear. Fugu provides a friendly, intuitive interface for OpenSSH's SFTP client, featuring secure drag-and-drop file transfers, remote file editing and remote file preview. Fugu allows you to take advantage of SFTP's strong encryption without having to sacrifice ease of use. Additionally, Fugu can make secure file transfers using Secure Copy (SCP) and can create SSH tunnels to facilitate secure interaction between machines.

Note: While the software is classified as free, it is actually donationware. Please consider making a donation to help support development.

What’s new in version 1.2.0

Version 1.2.0:

Fugu 1.2.1pre1 is available and works fine.

  • Release notes were unavailable when this listing was updated.
View older Fugu versions

Fugu for Mac

In English
Version 1.2.0
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(1 Reviews of Fugu)

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  • User Ratings

May 8 2020
May 8 2020
Version: 1.2.0
I've been using Fugu 1.2.1pre1 for years with no issues on systems running various versions of macOS. Unlike stable release 1.2.0, 1.2.1pre1 is a 64-bit app. Although I don't believe I've tried it on a system running Catalina, my guess is it will probably work fine. The developer notes in the README that the 1.2.0 build for Intel includes a bug that causes external editing to fail. You really want to be using 1.2.1pre1. MacUpdate has included a download link for the pre-release version in the "What's new in Fugu" section above.
May 8 2020
May 8 2020
Version: null