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Frink overview

Frink is a practical calculating tool and programming language designed to make physical calculations simple, to help ensure that answers come out right, and to make a tool that's really useful in the real world. It tracks units of measure (feet, meters, kilograms, watts, etc.) through all calculations, allowing you to mix units of measure transparently, and helps you easily verify that your answers make sense. It also contains a large data file of physical quantities, freeing you from having to look them up, and freeing you to make effortless calculations without getting bogged down in the mechanics

What’s new in version 2022-09-18

  • Updated the currency conversion source to work again. As always, the availability of internet-based sources cannot be guaranteed and this fix may be temporary.
View older Frink versions

Frink for Mac

In English
Version 2022-09-18
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(1 Reviews of Frink)

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Dec 26 2018
Dec 26 2018
Version: 1.0
a jar file only ... sigh...
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