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FreshBackMac for Mac

Fresh backgrounds for you Mac.

In English
Based on 1 user rate

FreshBackMac overview

FreshBackMac gives you fresh backgrounds for your Mac from multiple sources.

What’s new in version 1.8

Version 1.8:

Note: Now requires OS X 10.14 or later

  • Removed 500px because they have discontinued their API
  • Fixed Unsplash Sources
View older FreshBackMac versions

FreshBackMac for Mac

In English
Version 1.8
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(1 Reviews of FreshBackMac)

  • Comments

  • User Ratings

Jan 31 2019
Jan 31 2019
Version: 1.8
Do NOT install and for the love of crap don't add to your login items. Once installed, this app cannot be quit via menubar, even though there is a menubar entry labeled "Quit FreshBackMac" (click it and nothing happens).. It cannot be force quit via CMD-ALT-ESC (no entry in list) and there is no process named "FreshBackMac" or anything similar running in Activity Monitor. There is also no code signature to this app. Finally, Little Snitch caught the app trying to phone home to the developer's website. This is not necessarily suspicious behavior, but on top of everything else I've described, something about this app seems fishy. AVOID!
Jan 31 2019
Jan 31 2019
Version: null