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Folderizer overview

  • Folderizer is your ultimate solution for adding a touch of personalization to your Mac desktop. With Folderizer, you can easily customize the icons of your folders, making them stand out and reflect your unique style.
  • Choose from a wide range of vibrant colors, stylish icons, or upload your own photos to create eye-catching folder designs. Effortlessly navigate through a collection of icons or search for specific ones using the intuitive search functionality. Want to use your own photos? No problem! Simply upload your image, crop it to a square size, and voila! Your custom folder icon is ready.
  • Folderizer offers a seamless and user-friendly experience, allowing you to preview your folder designs before applying them. Once you're satisfied with your creation, simply click the copy button to apply the icon to your selected folders.
  • Whether you're a creative professional looking to streamline your workflow or a design enthusiast wanting to add a personal touch to your desktop, Folderizer is the perfect tool for you. Organize your files in style and make your desktop truly yours with Folderizer.

What’s new in version 2.4

  • Color Accuracy: The colors you pick now match perfectly with how they look on the folder—no more dark surprises!
  • Drag and Drop Functionality: I've made it easier to pick your folders with a drag and drop feature that handles up to 3 files at once.
  • Folder Update: No more pop-ups! I've fixed the issue where the folder would open automatically after being updated.
  • Icon Color Customization: Now you can switch your icon colors between black and white, giving you more control over your folder's look.
View older Folderizer versions

Folderizer for Mac

In English
Version 2.4
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