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FlagSwitcher for Mac

See what keyboard layout is on at the moment.

In English

FlagSwitcher overview

FlagSwitcher demonstrates which keyboard layout is on at the moment. A large flag image appears for a second when you switch the layout. It is easily seen using side vision, and you know the input language even when typing, without having to look at the screen.

  • Semitransparent flag image does not prevent typing or impair text visibility
  • Most languages are supported (more than 60 flags available)
  • Screen flash option instead of the flag icon. It is also easily seen with side vision
  • The flag appears not only when keyboard layout is switched manually, but also when it changes automatically when you switch to another application
  • No Dock icon, and resources consumed are close to zero

What’s new in version 2.3

Version 2.3:
  • Full support two displays
View older FlagSwitcher versions

FlagSwitcher for Mac

In English
Version 2.3
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