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Feed Reader for Mac

Read RSS news feeds in one place.

In English

Feed Reader overview

Feed Reader is an app for you to read news and updates from all your favourite RSS news feeds in one place.

Feed Reader is a robust, highly-functional personal aggregation app. It dynamically reads, collects, and organizes syndicated Web content, and seamlessly delivers it directly to user desktops. With Feed Reader, you have instant, convenient access to the up-to-the-minute news you need, without information overload. Feed Reader automatically downloads updates from your favorite RSS news feeds. So, it eliminates the need for you to constantly monitor multiple RSS news feeds, while allowing you to immediately identify and retrieve new articles - no matter how long you’ve been away from your desk.

What’s new in version 1.1

Version 1.1:

Note: Currently available for $4.99

  • Bug Fix for open feed from Safari
View older Feed Reader versions

Feed Reader for Mac

In English
Version 1.1
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