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Faqt for Mac

Invoicing software for Polish users.

In English

Faqt overview

Faqt is a program especially for Polish users to issue VAT invoices, bills, receipts (proof of sale) and documents KP and KW keep records of goods and services and contractors.

What’s new in version 17.0.2

Version 17.0.2:

Note: Now requires OS X 10.12 or later

Percentage rebate
  • You can add a discount to the item of the document. The percentage discount will be deducted from the price.
Quick search
  • You enter the search text or e.g. NIP (no dashes). The search will take place in the fields displayed throughout the database.
Search for contractors
  • When editing an invoice (document), you can use the quick search window for contractors by name or tax identification number.
Permanent deletion of documents
The option to completely remove a document from the database has been added.
More displayed items
  • Dynamically increasing space for document positions depending on the window size.
Easier month change
  • With one click you can change the accounting month to the current month or switch to the month of the selected document.
New clearer interface
  • Bigger signs and more space.
View older Faqt versions

Faqt for Mac

In English
Version 17.0.2
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