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HomeGamesSimulationExtreme Road Racers

Extreme Road Racers for Mac

Take part in extreme motorcycle races across the dangerous and challenging tracks.

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Extreme Road Racers overview

Extreme Road Racers lets you take part in extreme motorcycle races across the dangerous and challenging tracks. Dirt Bike Extreme is easy to pick up but hard to master. Race, jump and crash your way and other mad rivals through the amazing tracks as you master the skills and physics of motocross in this high-speed racing adventure. Conquer challenging routes on 23 different runs, discover new bikes and become the best of the best

What’s new in version 5.4.2f2

Version 5.4.2f2:
  • Initial release
View older Extreme Road Racers versions

Extreme Road Racers for Mac

In English
Version 5.4.2f2
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