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HomeGamesShootingEquilibrium 3D

Equilibrium 3D for Mac

3D Arkanoid clone mixed with first-person shooter.

In English

Equilibrium 3D overview

Equilibrium 3D is 3D Arkanoid clone mixed with FPS puzzle/platformer. The unique aspect of the game is that some of the bricks can't be destroyed with the ball - they have to be detonated from inside. This is where the FPS part starts. When you are inside a brick you have to spawn cubes with your special plasma gun and climb all the way up to the detonator.

  • Attractive levels
  • Amazing graphic effects
  • 3D sound
  • Old-school soundtrack
  • Unique gameplay
  • Cool powerups

What’s new in version 1.0

Version 1.0:

Note: Finder and MacUpdate Desktop report version 4.6.1f1, which is the version of the game's Unity runtime engine. The developer refers to this version as 1.0.

  • Initial release
View older Equilibrium 3D versions

Equilibrium 3D for Mac

In English
Version 1.0
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