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Equalizer for Mac

Capture and restore audio from gramophone records.

In English

Equalizer overview

Equalizer is an application to assist when capturing and restoring audio from gramophone records whose equalization and/or speed does not match your equipment. It has been developed over a period of many years. There is a user manual that is part of the download package. Equalizer will not operate on compressed audio files, such as MP3, and there are no plans to incorporate such a feature.

What’s new in version 1.9.3

Version 1.9.3:
  • Revised GUI layout and scaling
  • Minor improvement to algorithms
  • Fixed bug in choosing post-equaliser setting in some situations
  • Revised layout of under interface for high-resolution, scaled, displays
  • Minor bug fixes
View older Equalizer versions

Equalizer for Mac

In English
Version 1.9.3
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(2 Reviews of Equalizer)

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Jul 20 2015
Jul 20 2015
Version: 1.9.3
Equalizer for Mac is free part of a suite of applications for recording and restoring the audio from records: vinyl etc. You can read about the entire set of available applications, how to download demos, how to buy them and use them here: http://www.clickrepair.net/software_info/
Feb 2 2013
Feb 2 2013
Version: 1.8.4
Holy cow! I'm pretty old and even I can't recall every having gramophone records at home, much less a gramophone. Our first "hi-fi" device was a 1950 Hoffman AM radio that included a decent record player/changer that played vinyl records. It provided years of entertainment.
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