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Endless Sky for Mac

Explore other star systems.

In English

Endless Sky overview

Endless Sky is a sandbox-style space exploration game similar to Elite, Escape Velocity, or Star Control. You start out as the captain of a tiny space ship and can choose what to do from there. The game includes a major plot line and many minor missions, but you can choose whether you want to play through the plot or strike out on your own as a merchant or bounty hunter or explorer

What’s new in version 0.9.12

Version 0.9.12:

Full release notes are available here

This is a stable release, focused on bug fixes and minor improvements. New changes include the following:

  • Bug fixes, including a bug that caused the game to crash on startup due to unsupported VSync settings
  • Buying & selling items at maximum depreciation now accounts for the 7-day grace period
  • Missions will no longer complete if a required passenger isn’t landed with you
  • Several new star images have been added, as well as additional jobs for players with many bunks
  • Tweaks to the balance of solar panels and some Coalition outfits, and to the fleets found in Hai space
View older Endless Sky versions

Endless Sky for Mac

In English
Version 0.9.12
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