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eMail Address Extractor for Mac

Get email addresses from text files.

In English
Based on 1 user rate

eMail Address Extractor overview

eMail Address Extractor allows you to extract valid email addresses from virtually any kind of text file or URL. No configuration required, it just works!

  • Select your output file format, then drop data files onto eMail Address Extractor to quickly produce a list of all valid email addresses with no duplicates.
  • Easily retrieve addresses from your entire Apple Mail database, iWork projects, DOCX, XLSX, and from within ZIP archives.
  • Remove addresses from a list by selecting an alternate list to remove.
  • Scan URLs or entire domains for email addresses.

Note: PDF files need to be in a text format; OCR data retrieval is not currently supported.

What’s new in version

  • Fixed a licensing issue
View older eMail Address Extractor versions

eMail Address Extractor for Mac

In English
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(1 Reviews of eMail Address Extractor)

  • Comments

  • User Ratings

Aug 8 2016
Aug 8 2016
Version: 1.9.6
$50 bucks is a lot for this type of app. I am going to drop $20 on another app like this one.
Ervins Strauhmanis
Ervins Strauhmanis
Oct 1 2018
Oct 1 2018
Version: null