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EDU Kids overview

EDU Kids teaches your child letters, numbers, words, and objects. Kids will love switching between modes. They are learning while having so much fun at the same time. This is a great way to motivate their young minds and improve their abilities. Encourage your children to play as much as possible for making their stars collection bigger. Go ahead and bring a smile on your kid`s face!

  • Letters mode help your children to learn the alphabet and recognize the letters.
  • Numbers mode help your children to learn the numbers from 0 to 100.
  • Words mode improve your children spelling memory.
  • Objects mode improve your children visual memory and their vocabulary.
  • Have fun earning stars.
  • Colorful graphics.
  • Friendly user interface.
  • Amazing animations, sound effects and voice-over.
  • Scoring
  • No In-App-Purchases, No Distraction.

What’s new in version 1.3

Version 1.3:
  • Minor Bug Fixed
  • Added background sound
View older EDU Kids versions

EDU Kids for Mac

In English
Version 1.3
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