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DVD Audio Extractor for Mac

DVD audio extraction/ripping tool.

In English

DVD Audio Extractor overview

DVD Audio Extractor is a powerful software DVD audio extracting / ripping tool. It can help you to extract audio streams from your favourite Blu-ray, DVD-Audio and DVD-Video discs and save them as OGG, MP3, Wave or FLAC files. DVD Audio Extractor can also demux audio streams directly to mlp, pcm, mpa, ac3 or dts files. The unique CD Image creating feature allows you to convert DVD to Audio CD or DTS-CD in one step.

What’s new in version 8.3.0

  • Drop support to macOS 10.14 and earlier versions.
  • Update to support Fedora 34 and later. Older Fedora releases are no longer supported.
  • Fix a bug that custom genre is not saved.
  • Minor UI layout enhancements.
View older DVD Audio Extractor versions

DVD Audio Extractor for Mac

In English
Version 8.3.0
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