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DigicalSim for Mac

Digital gates simulator (was Logic Designer).

In English
Based on 1 user rate

DigicalSim overview

Logic Designer (formerly Logic Designer) is a full-featured app which assists students of logic design, digital engineering, computer science and mathematics. The app based on basic digital building blocks, logic gates. No knowledge of logic gates or digital circuits is required. It offers the basic building blocks, wiring tools and a flexible plane to create live real-time digital circuits, ideal for anyone who wants to learn the basic principles of how computers work especially students of digital engineering, learn how to create simple logic gates, latches, flip-flops, adders, shift registers and counters. it can help them perform complete lab experiments.

Logic Designer features:
  • AND, NAND, OR, NOR, XOR, XNOR, Buffer, NOT, Switch, Clock, LED, Vcc, GND, j-k Flip-Flop, D Flip-Flop, and T Flip-Flop.
  • Multi-Color smooth curved wires.
  • Unlimited scrollable plane space, for extra large projects.
  • Run mode for clean circuit look, while operating live.
  • Circuit Lock.
  • Two switch operation modes (Toggle or Pulse).
  • Switchable synchronized digital waveform clock generators. with adjustable frequency.
  • Persistent Circuit, it saves circuits automatically for later reference.
  • Live value indicators at each leg, for easy analysis.
  • Design-Time snap grid for easier alignment and cleaner look.

What’s new in version 4.7

Version 4.7:
  • Big Sur Compatibility
  • Updated Info
View older DigicalSim versions

DigicalSim for Mac

In English
Version 4.7
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Jun 1 2018
Jun 1 2018
Version: null