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HomeLifestyle & HobbyKidsDidi and Ditto Preschool

Didi and Ditto Preschool for Mac

Captivate your 2 to 4 year old.

In English

Didi and Ditto Preschool overview

Didi and Ditto Preschool, an exceptional award-winning game, is the ideal way to introduce children to computers. It will literally captivate your 2 to 4 year olds with its adorable characters, its rich 3D environments and animation, its humor and its constant interactivity.

Didi & Ditto Preschool is a fun-filled, educational adventure that will support, as well as develop, your children's essential skills and prepare them for kindergarten while offering them a super time playing.

As children explore the colorful world of Didi & Ditto, they will discover the hidden activitiesthat help them acquire age-appropriate knowledge such as recognizing letters and numbers, counting, classifying, identifying shapes, recognizing sounds, while developing observation skills, understanding oral instructions, etc. Three levels of difficulty are available.

They will love being able to play as either the girl (Didi) or the boy character (Ditto), while exploring a rich and colorful world! This is a game they will enjoy for years

What’s new in version 1.1

Version 1.1:
  • OS X 10.8 compatibility improvements
View older Didi and Ditto Preschool versions

Didi and Ditto Preschool for Mac

In English
Version 1.1
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