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dff2dsf for Mac

Convert DFF audio files to DSF.

In English

dff2dsf overview

dff2dsf is an application used to convert .dff audio files, which cannot be tagged, to .dsf files which can be tagged. Note that there is no loss of quality in the conversion process: the conversion is a repackaging not a re-encoding.

What’s new in version 1.6

Version 1.6:
  • dff2dsf is now a universal build and runs natively in Big Sur on an Apple silicon based Mac.
  • Mac OS 10.10 is the first supported version.
View older dff2dsf versions

dff2dsf for Mac

In English
Version 1.6
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(1 Reviews of dff2dsf)

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Mar 5 2014
Mar 5 2014
Version: 1.1
Hi Thanks for this application. Some suggestions: - Use of folders with several depth levels (not only 1) and keep the folders structure in the output (for batch purposes and keeping the Artist/Album or other structure in the output). - Save the output location and not ask for it every time. Best and kind regards Thierry thierry at audiophile-magazine.com
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