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Designer Jobs for Mac

Job invoice manager for freelance designers.

In English

Designer Jobs overview

Designer Jobs is for professional freelance designers, whose jobs can vary a lot and come from a variety of places. If your agent writes your invoices for you, it can be tricky keeping track of what you've done and what's yet to be paid. Flicking back through the pages of your diary or Calendar all the time to remember what you've done just doesn't make the cut. Designer Jobs is the perfect app for tracking your jobs no matter where they came from. If you hate paperwork and just want to know how much is going into your wallet, this is the app for you.

How to use Designer Jobs

  • Use Designer Jobs to keep a record of all your regular clients or agents. Store whatever commissions or expenses are taken every time you work through them. (eg - Your agent may take a percentage as agency commission and perhaps withhold some tax.) Type these expenses in only once in the Referrers section.
  • Add a job to the Job Section. Leave it plain and simple if you're dealing direct with a client, or attach one of your Referrers to the job and Voila!
  • Designer Jobs will automatically take out all the expenses so you can see exactly how much you'll get in your hand.

What’s new in version 1.2

Version 1.2:
  • Corrected report totals
View older Designer Jobs versions

Designer Jobs for Mac

In English
Version 1.2
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