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Decipher Chat for Mac

Save your WhatsApp and WeChat messages.

In English

Decipher Chat overview

Decipher Chat will allow you to save your WhatsApp and WeChat messages and videos!

With Decipher Chat, you will have the ability to:

  • Read your WhatsApp and WeChat data from your iPhone/iPad/iPod backups made in iTunes, enabling you to recover old messages from existing iPhone backups.
  • Save and view attachments, such as images and videos.
  • Software is compatible with all of the latest encrypted backup formats.
  • All of this with no recurring monthly fees or subscriptions!

Also, Decipher Chat is not a third-party WhatsApp client like WhatsApp Plus. Decipher Chat is compatible with the official WhatsApp Messenger client..

What’s new in version 16.0.1

  • Adds an option to back up within Decipher Chat, this backup will store only WhatsApp, WeChat, and Viber data, to conserve drive space.
View older Decipher Chat versions

Decipher Chat for Mac

In English
Version 16.0.1
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