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DateControl for Mac

Platform-native Date Control plugin for Xojo or Real Studio.

In English

DateControl overview

DateControl is a Xojo/Real Studio control plugin to create a Date-picker. The Control is displayed according to control panel date settings, or in exclusive mm.dd.yyyy, exclusive dd.mm.yyyy or exclusive SQL format mode. "NULL" dates or what some would call no selection is supported. The control uses native Windows control on Windows systems, and native Theme Rendering on Mac OS X and Linux systems.

The Plugin is supported on Mac OS Classic, Mac OS X, Windows x86, and Linux systems.

What’s new in version 7.0.3

Version 7.0.3:
  • Fixed rare crash that could happen on 64 bit applications on Mac and Linux systems when using complex setups of dialogs.
View older DateControl versions

DateControl for Mac

In English
Version 7.0.3
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