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Daily Bible for Mac

Read through the Bible in a year.

In English

Daily Bible overview

Daily Bible…Read through the Bible using one of 3 great daily plans. If your New Year's resolution is to finally get through the whole Bible in a year, this app is for you! The app provides you with your passages appointed for each day. Plus, you can easily jump back a few days to catch up if you missed a few.

The app uses the Authorized King James Version (KJV) of the Bible, perhaps the most trusted and widely respected versions in the English language.

Includes three great reading plans:

  • Straight Through.(Genesis to Revelation)
  • Straight Through, New Testament First.(Matthew
  • Revelation, Genesis
  • Malachi)
  • M'Cheyne PlanBased on the beloved family reading plan created by the 19th centure scottish pastor, Robert Murray M'Cheyne.

Daily Bible for Mac

In English
Version 1.0
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