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Cryptey for Mac

Cryptocurrency ticker for the menu bar (was Coiney).

In English
Based on 1 user rate

Cryptey overview

Cryptey (was Coiney) is a menu-bar cryptocurrency ticker that lets you follow current rates for all major coins like Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, and more. You can add most important rates to you menu bar to be always visible or add them to a favourites list so they can be just one click away. With a few moves, you have access to all rates from 3 major exchanges (BTC-e, Bitfinex, and Kraken), updated every minute.

  • Add rates to the menubar
  • Add rates to favourites list, hidden under app's menubar icon
  • Access all rates from BTC-e, Bitfinex, and Kraken
  • 3 major exchanges supported, and more to come
  • Always current rates, updated every minute
  • Easy to use and lightweight
  • Elegant interface that blends in perfectly into your macOS in both light and dark mode

What’s new in version 1.9.2

Version 1.9.2:
  • Bug fixes
  • Temporarily disabled OKCoin support
  • Added initial macOS 11 Big Sur support
View older Cryptey versions

Cryptey for Mac

In English
Version 1.9.2
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(1 Reviews of Cryptey)

  • Comments

  • User Ratings

Jan 12 2018
Jan 12 2018
Version: 1.6.1
I downloaded cryptey and found it didn't serve Canadians very well.I cancelled it and downloaded another app.Even after cancelling,the app remained showing and working.When I attempted an upgrade,the app had to be shut down.It wouldn't allow the upload but didn't vanish,either?Better for users from USA or UK or even Japan.
Jan 12 2018
Jan 12 2018
Version: null