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ContactPage Pro for Mac

Create contact sheets of pictures with captions.

In English

ContactPage Pro overview

ContactPage Pro is the easiest way to create professional-looking contact sheets of images with captions. Use ContactPage to create picture catalogs, proof sheets, photo books, or anytime you need to quickly browse or print pictures with full descriptive text captions.

ContactPage Pro can then build a PDF, image file, slideshow, or page-layout document - using Adobe InDesign or QuarkXPress - with all the necessary pages, backgrounds, images, and captions customized to your liking.

If your needs are simple, or if you'd like to see what ContactPage is all about before testing the pro version, you can get ContactPage Lite from the Mac App Store--and it's free! Just look for the link in Related Links.

What’s new in version 6.6.1

Version 6.6.1:
  • Added support for QuarkXPress 2020 with ContactPage Pro XT 6.6
  • Installer of ContactPage Pro XT is now notarized by Apple
  • Some registration fixes
View older ContactPage Pro versions

ContactPage Pro for Mac

In English
Version 6.6.1
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