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CHV QC Integration FX for Mac

Build your own Final Cut and Motion plugins.

In English

CHV QC Integration FX overview

QC Integration FX is designed to enable you to build your own FxPlug plugins for Final Cut Pro, Final Cut Express and Motion and even built plugins for sale with copyright-protection. This package also already contains 81 high quality visual effect plugins that can be used immediately.

QC Integration FX allows you to do more than any other plugin package. Using Apple's Quartz Composer technology this package provides you with the most advanced plugin platform to quickly create, modify, use and even distribute securely any Quartz Composer file.

QC Integration FX comes with a bundle of powerful features:


QC Integration FX includes 81 top quality plugins for Final Cut Pro, Final Cut Express and Motion.


New plugins can be added with just a few clicks. Just drop new Quartz Composer files into one or more of the three installation folders and with the click of one button you are ready to use your new plugins. It's that easy!

Real Time:

QC Integration FX takes full advantage of your graphics card's hardware acceleration through CoreImage, CodeVideo, the Quartz Extreme engine and OpenGL for unmatched render speed and real time preview.


QC Integration FX is the only Quartz Composer related plugin package that fully supports high quality Anti-Aliasing rendering.

Make Money:

Encrypt and sell your own Quartz Composer files securely with the included CHV QC Developer Tool.

Professional Quality:

Our state of the art render engine supports YUV and RGB rendering with 8, 16 and 32 bits per pixel.

Resolution Independent:

SD, HD and even webpage resolutions in interlace and progressive scan are fully supported.

Create your own plugins...

...in a matter of minutes without the need to write a single line of code. Templates help you with an easy start.

FxPlug technology:

Perfect system integration with Apple's FxPlug technology.

What’s new in version 2.2.1

Note: Although Finder indicates that this is version 2.2.1, the developer states that this is version 2.7.0

  • Compatibility with OSX High Sierra 10.13
View older CHV QC Integration FX versions

CHV QC Integration FX for Mac

In English
Version 2.2.1
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