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HomeLifestyle & HobbyChrono Machine

Chrono Machine overview

You may know the date of your birthday, but you may not know what day it was! Do you know whether the French Revolution started on a Monday or a Friday? What day will 2.2.4099 be?

Feed Chrono Machine any date from 4713 BC to 4099 AD, and you will get its weekday.

And what about Julian and Gregorian calendars? Or Anno Mundi (Jewish years) and AUC (year from the foundation of Rome)? Or Julian Modified Date and Julian Truncated Day of NASA? Chrono Machine is able to provide you with this kind of info.

Eventually you may get the day of the week of Christmas and Epiphany from 100 AD to 4099 AD, retrieve the dates of Jewish Passover from 1311 BC and of Easter Sundays from the first Century up to 4099 AD.

Have a good journey in the past and the future!

What’s new in version 2.2.6

  • Universal built.
View older Chrono Machine versions

Chrono Machine for Mac

In English
Version 2.2.6
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